Analyze and Stamp Existing Plans

If you have an existing set of structural plans, for a new build or a remodel/addition, Crown Jade can analyze the structure and provide notes and redlines for your drafter making it clear how to make the structure sound and meet current code requirements. Once a final design is decided and incorporated, we can stamp those structural plans produced by others as required to get a building permit. Our engineers can assist with any issues that come up during construction and make sure the project is structurally sound.
Our engineers are trained in the “Art of Engineering,” meaning they will design structural components that meet all current code requirements with the most cost effective materials for the job. In general, most of the structural components in any building are covered up and hidden behind some architectural feature. As a result, you want your home built with those cost effective materials that are sized appropriately to support the structural loads. At the same time, you want to build with a material that is readily available and easy to construct, in order to keep the manual labor to a minimum. Our engineers are trained to understand these principles and produce highly effective framing plans that satisfy all building department requirements and deliver an affordable, buildable, and reliable home.